
Strategic Objectives
Develop curricula, instructional and resource material;
Increase level of service delivery;
Develop First Nation language immersion models for community implementation;
Plan and develop an accredited language instructor's training program;
Increase the use of partnerships to develop & deliver products and services; and,
Create First Nations language legislation and develop supporting policies for implementation.
Operational Objectives and Activities
To create project opportunities for community-based strategic planning and implementation;
To support and increase the rate of intergenerational language retention, fluency and transmission through developing materials and training;
To maintain a ‘networked’ First Nations research function for primary and secondary education that utilizes partnerships for First Nations language and culture research;
Support the standardization of the written forms of Standard Roman Orthography (SRO), Modified Roman Orthography (MRO) and syllabics for resource materials and documentation;
Develop and implement First Nations language and cultural resources and bibliographies for teachers and the general public in partnership with the libraries, archives and First Nations institutions and make these available on the SICC and partner websites;
Schedule an annual conference for language professionals and cultural specialists;
Translate existing and new resource books and materials into various Saskatchewan First Nations languages;
Maintain a list of Elders to assist with translations, curriculum development and instructional resource support;
Collaborate with other federal and provincial departments and learning institutions for the enhancement of SICC organizational goals and objectives; and,
Promote and advocate First Nations Language Law within the inherent sovereignty of First Nations and their governments, as recognized by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and affirmed and entrenched in the numbered Treaties and the Constitution Act of Canada.